Install on Linux


Can be installed on any Linux distribution. Find Vorta on Flathub. To install:

$ flatpak install flathub com.borgbase.Vorta

Flatpak apps run in a sandboxed environment and can’t access certain folders, like /root, /etc and /var. See here for the full list. If you need access to those directories, consider a different installation option.

Settings can be transferred by copying ~/.local/share/Vorta/settings.db to ~/.var/app/com.borgbase.Vorta/data/Vorta/.

Maintained by @Hofer-Julian.

Install from Source

The most generic way is to install it as Python package using PIP. First install Borg using the package of your distribution or via PyPI. The latter needs some additional source packages. Then install Vorta from PyPI. Your local Python version must be >= 3.7. If you keep Python packages in your home folder, you can add the --user option.

$ pip3 install vorta

Add Entry to Application Launcher

You can add a .desktop entry to get a link to Vorta in your application launcher, usually ~/.local/share/applications/vorta.desktop. Use the template available here and adjust the Exec and Icon paths if necessary.

Distribution Packages

Arch Linux

Use the AUR package.

$ yay -S vorta

Maintained by @bjo81.

Debian and derivatives

Users of Debian ≥11 (Bullseye), its derivative Ubuntu ≥21.04 (Hirsute), and its derivatives (Pop!_OS, Mint, elementaryOS, Kubuntu, Neon, etc), may install Vorta from the App Store, or

sudo apt install vorta

Please note that some app stores provide both deb and flatpak packages.

Users who require features from a newer version of Vorta, or users of older OS releases should investigate if their distribution provides backports, and should prefer Vorta from this distribution stream. E.g. Debian Backports or Ubuntu Backports.

Failing this, ask your distribution to provide a package, and failing that, use the flatpak!

Maintained by @sten0

Enterprise Linux and derivatives (RPM)

Vorta is available for any distribution using EPEL9 (Enterprise Linux 9 and derivatives, like Alma, Rocky, Fedora, RHEL and CentOS). First enable EPEL as described here. Then install using dnf/yum:

$ yum install vorta

Maintained by @Jonathan

Solus Linux

Use the official package. Command for install:

$ sudo eopkg it vorta

Maintained by @kyrios123.

Looking to maintain a package? Open an issue or pull request and it will be added here.